Sunday, 1 May 2016

New Month Alert!

Hey guys, 
     Happy new month to y'all. Year 2016 is running out so fast. Has anyone been consistent with their new year resolutions? Please don't forget to share with me. 
     I would like to apologize to you all for my MIA, I just can't imagine how I had let y'all down. But I want y'all to know that i'm so back for real & that's the major key (in dj khaled's voice). 

     So let's get back to sharing my life experiences, fashion, business & of course my blog sales which I will be launching soon. 

    Thank y'all so much for hanging in there for me, for your care & for those that reached out to me via emails, calls, dm, etc, I appreciate y'all.

    Here is wishing y'all an amazing month of May & may all your dreams come true. 

Love & Light

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

It's My Born Day

Birthday behaviour, grateful heart. 

It's such a good feeling knowing that God loves me so much. I'm filled with so much joy today, knowing that my God still loves me despite all. I'm totally grateful to my maker cos I don't look like what I have been through. His mercies have kept me.

I'm also grateful to God for the womb that bore me " my mother" I love you mummy and May God bless you. Hi dad, I love you toođź’‹.
 I may not have all I wished for in life yet, but I have blessings to be grateful for. My amazing blog (yes I'm guilty as charged.. Lol), being CEO Style & Beyond, my lovely friends that care & above all, my amazing family that loves me so much. 

Life isn't all perfect, but it is beautiful and worth celebrating. I am just thankful for all my life experiences, all my achievements, all my mistakes, amazing people I met so far in my life journey. They all moulded me to who I am today. 
So my lovelies, celebrate with me as I add another amazing year to my age today! 

From the depth of my heart, I want to use this opportunity to tell you all my friends that "I love you all" 
My birthday fell on a work day, but my goons and I won't fail to turn up... Lol. So you all are invited to partake in the turning up.... Ok I'm done! 

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday Frances! Happy birthday CEO Style &Beyond!

Enjoy my dinner photos with my amazing friends...

Thanks y'all for sharing on my joy. 
Love & Lights

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Mente De Moda

Hey fashion lovers, 
It's another edition of the popular fashion sales "Mente De Moda" 
So y'all hurry down to "Bay Lounge" Lekki phase1. 
There are lots of amazing fashion items displayed already . 
Foodies like me ain't left out too lol. Just don't miss out! 
I'm also here love to support my friends , after all it's "WSW" women support women . Love me my girls . 

Will sure post more pictures guys. 
Enjoy these for now. 

Happy new week lovers.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

New look

Hey guys, 
I hope everyone is having a great weekend? I am too, though been quite busy lately. 
So I'm sure my fellow vain female readers know that feeling you get when you have a new hair . Oh yes! I'm guilty as charged! I'm so in love with my new look so I have been taking lots of shots.

Enjoy the photos .....

Total outfit are from my business collection . All items are sold out except Hat & Sun glasses which are limited in stock now. 
Follow me on Instagram @Sugar_plummy for these & other lovely fashion items for sale. 


My Sweet November

Oh my sweet November I welcome you & please don't fail to be awesome as always. 

I do look forward to this month of the year, not just because it's my birthday, but because it's our month of harvest. 
All I can say is "to our God alone be all the glory great thing he has done" . Year 2015 is almost over and we can only count our blessings. 

So let's start my birthday count down guys 17th November it is ! 
Here is wishing all my fellow November babies a happy birthday. 

Love & Lights

Friday, 30 October 2015

Day 3 Heineken LFDW 2015

Hi guys, 
I'm here live at the day 3 of the Heineken Lagos fashion & design week.  

Fashion designers ;
Iconic Invanity 
Deji Eniola
Titi Belo
Mc Meka
Remi Smith
Mai Atafo
All showcased their amazing collections. 
Enjoy the photos.....

I totally love my outfit... 
I love high street fashion...

Love & lights 